According to Indian Standard Code IS 15 Collegiate, a home elevator is a kind of elevator specially designed for single-story houses, intended for use by the public. Usually the elevators are available in three models the entrance model, the passenger model and the stairway model. The main aim behind the designing of such elevators was to provide easy access to the residents of the house, either from the top or the bottom of the stairs. The safety measures of these elevators have been enhanced through the modifications in time. The latest elevators that are used today, apart from providing an easy way to access the residents of the house, also have several other benefits like;
The home elevator is mainly classified into two types one is an open-end and the other is an enclosed one. In the former, there is no need for a mechanical room or any other extra equipment. It is set up on the floor directly above the point of entrance of the residents, which makes it easy to install. All the cables are attached to the same point, so there is no problem related to the expansion or contraction of the system. Moreover, it is much easier to set up such an elevator, as compared to the enclosed one. Though the cost of installing it is more, but it works just like a well-built elevator.

Since the installation of such an elevator shaft is very easy, many home owners prefer to go for it, when they construct a new construction. But there is always a possibility of experiencing some problems during its operation, while retrofitting it to the existing home. For instance, most of the lifts that are present in the market are not able to accommodate the weight of the people who use them. So in the case of new construction, you need to check the weight limits of all the people who will use it before setting up the structure.
Many people, who are living in small dwellings, consider installing the home elevators, that provide smooth rides. There are various options available for providing smooth rides; these include the chain drive system, screw drive and the rack and pinion drives. There are pros and cons associated with each of these systems. The screw drive is considered to be the best for providing smooth rides at the low speed. It is said to be simple and safe to install as well, as compared to the other two systems.
While installing the home elevator in commercial buildings, it is better to consult the experts. You can also take help from the local contractors. Before opting for the installation of home elevators, you should make a detailed research about the various options available. While choosing a particular elevator, you should ensure that it can be easily maintained as well, so that you do not have to spend money maintaining it periodically.
Before choosing a particular elevator, it is important to consider various factors like cost of installation, the space required and the quality of service provided by the company. However, you should also consider the climatic conditions and the frequency of use of the elevator in order to minimize the installation costs. As far as the installation costs are concerned, there is nothing to worry about. The elevator companies offer different packages to meet the needs and requirements of different people. For example, for those looking for discount deals, it is recommended to contact the elevator companies. Before taking a decision, you should enquire about the installation costs and the maintenance costs.